Pecunia non olet Poor

3,5 Mill. Homeless & 18,5 Mill. Vacant Homes in the US

3.5 Million Homeless and 18.5 Million Vacant Homes in the US

Diane Sweet
occupyamerica.crooksandliars.com / Sott.net
2011-12-30 11:38:00


The National Economic and Social Rights Initiative along with Amnesty International are asking the U.S. to step up its efforts to address the foreclosure crisis, including by giving serious consideration to the growing call for a foreclosure moratorium and other forms of relief for those at risk, and establishing a housing finance system that fulfills human rights obligations.

New government census reports have revealed disturbing information that details the cold, hard numbers of Americans who have been deeply affected by the state of our economy, and bank foreclosure practices:

In the last few days, the U.S. government census figures have revealed that 1 in 2 Americans have fallen into poverty or are struggling to live on low incomes. And we know that the financial hardships faced by our neighbors, colleagues, and others in our communities will be all the more acutely felt over the holiday season.

Along with poverty and low incomes, the foreclosure rate has created its own crisis situation as the number of families removed from their homes has skyrocketed.

Since 2007, banks have foreclosed around eight million homes. It is estimated that another eight to ten million homes will be foreclosed before the financial crisis is over. This approach to resolving one part of the financial crisis means many, many families are living without adequate and secure housing. In addition, approximately 3.5 million people in the U.S. are homeless, many of them veterans. It is worth noting that, at the same time, there are 18.5 million vacant homes in the country.

The stark realities that persist mean that millions of families will be facing the holidays in temporary homes, or homes under threat, and far too many children will be wishing for an end to the uncertainty and distress their family is facing rather than an Xbox or Barbie doll.

Housing is a basic human need and a fundamental human right. Yet every day in the United States, banks are foreclosing on more than 10,000 mortgages and ordering evictions of individuals and families residing in foreclosed homes. The U.S. government’s steps to address the foreclosure crisis to date have been partial at best.

The depth and severity of the foreclosure crisis is a clear illustration of the urgent need for the U.S. government to put in place a system that respects, protects and fulfills human rights, including the right to housing. This includes implementing real protections to ensure that other actors, such as financial institutions, do not undermine or abuse human rights.

There is a link available at the Amnesty International website for anyone who is interested and would like to join the call on the Obama administration and Congress to urgently step up efforts to address the foreclosure crisis, including by seriously considering the growing call for a foreclosure moratorium and other forms of relief, and establishing a housing finance system that fulfills human rights obligations.

Occupy Wallstreet Pecunia non olet Political News in English Poor Social/psychological news The Poor & the Poorest The Rich & The Richest Witnesses of War

The Moral Force of OWS is Tackling the Devastating War on the Poor | | AlterNet

The Moral Force of OWS is Tackling the Devastating War on the Poor | | AlterNet.

Food Freedom of Speech Greed Gier Homeless Invisible Money Affairs News in English Occupy Wallstreet Pecunia non olet Political News in English Poor Social/psychological news The Poor & the Poorest The Rich & The Richest

The War Against the Poor(est)

Charles Dow -an American journalist who co-fou...
Image via Wikipedia

The War Against the Poor

Occupy Wall Street and the Politics of Financial Morality

By Frances Fox Piven November 07, 2011 „Tom Dispatch“ – –

We’ve been at war for decades now — not just in Afghanistan or Iraq, but right here at home. Domestically, it’s been a war against the poor, but if you hadn’t noticed, that’s not surprising. You wouldn’t often have found the casualty figures from this particular conflict in your local newspaper or on the nightly TV news. Devastating as it’s been, the war against the poor has gone largely unnoticed — until now. The Occupy Wall Street movement has already made the concentration of wealth at the top of this society a central issue in American politics. Now, it promises to do something similar when it comes to the realities of poverty in this country. By making Wall Street its symbolic target, and branding itself as a movement of the 99%, OWS has redirected public attention to the issue of extreme inequality, which it has recast as, essentially, a moral problem. Only a short time ago, the “morals” issue in politics meant the propriety of sexual preferences, reproductive behavior, or the personal behavior of presidents. Economic policy, including tax cuts for the rich, subsidies and government protection for insurance and pharmaceutical companies, and financial deregulation, was shrouded in clouds of propaganda or simply considered too complex for ordinary Americans to grasp… please, read more there: Tom Dispatch & Information Clearing House

PR: Frances Fox Piven

Photograph shows Charles Dow who co-founded Dow-Jones & Company with Edward Jones & Charles Bergstresser  (Public Domain, Wikipedia)

Food Freedom of Speech Greed Gier Health Money Affairs News in English Pecunia non olet Political News in English Poor Social/psychological news

Health and Medical The implementation of population control programs in other nations

Health and Medical The implementation of population control programs in other nations.

Critical, sometimes very critical, articles & videos by Brasscheck:

Last week we posted a segment of Steven W. Mosher’s presentation on
the implementation of population control programs in China. In it
he elaborated on China’s use of forced abortion, coercive
sterilization, and even infanticide.

Today’s video is a continuation of his presentation, in which he
discusses the implementation of these program in other countries
like India, Peru, Kenya, and more.

He elaborates on the use of food as a weapon, sterilization quotas,
the undermining of primary healthcare, and the spread of medically
transmitted HIV/AIDS in Africa.

Whether you believe in overpopulation or not, there is a right way
and a wrong way to deal with it. Steven Mosher clearly demonstrates
that the solutions generally agreed upon and offered by western
nations are immoral, sickening, and wrong.


– Brasscheck

Children Freedom of Speech Greed Gier News in English Political News in English Poor Social/psychological news The Poor & the Poorest

Thousands of Kids Taken From Parents In U.S. Deportation System | AlterNet

Thousands of Kids Taken From Parents In U.S. Deportation System | AlterNet.

Health Money Affairs Occupy Wallstreet Pecunia non olet Political News in English Poor Social/psychological news

Disgusting: New York’s Largest Foreclosure Firm Mocked Downtrodden Homeowners at Halloween Party | AlterNet

Disgusting: New York’s Largest Foreclosure Firm Mocked Downtrodden Homeowners at Halloween Party | AlterNet.

Last year, the law firm of Steven J. Baum threw a Halloween party in which employees mocked the homeowners it foreclosed against, wearing horrific „squatter“ and „homeless“ costumes and setting up a fake foreclosure sale tent city. Steven J. Baum is the largest foreclosure mill firm in the state of New York, and represents Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, among other mortgage lenders.  A former employee sent photos of the party to the New York Times‚ Joe Nocera: 
see & read more: AlterNet
Freedom of Speech Greed Gier Pecunia non olet Political News in English Poor Social/psychological news

End of Free Flow?

Yes, it’s a terrible shame that the entertainment industry isn’t
making billions of dollars instead just millions. I feel for them,
I really do. (sarcasm)

But are we going to allow for the end of the free flow of
information and ideas, the end of easy and open discourse, and the
end of free speech on the internet so that Hollywood can make more


That’s what the PROTECT IP ACT will give us and little else. This
video elaborates on exactly how that going to work…


– Brasscheck

Innocence Projects News in English Pecunia non olet Political News in English Poor Prison Affairs Social/psychological news The Poor & the Poorest

Casus Hank Skinner: The Link to Petition & Videos


here some links:


Don´t forget: Here is a new DNA-Test demanded!

Please, read Hank´s letter whe wrote in the „Hell-Whole“.


Please, view the Video about Hank:


Please, write to Hank:


Pecunia non olet Poor


Wall Street protests force Cantor to cancel economic speech: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) abruptly canceled an economic address Friday at the University of Pennsylvania after learning that the event could be flooded with protesters aligned with the Occupy Wall Street movement. http://goo.gl/LwCXL ===

Occupy Cincinnati protesters arrested: About two dozen Occupy Cincinnati protesters were arrested overnight at Piatt Park after refusing to leave, according to Cincinnati police. http://goo.gl/RylY5

More arrests coming for Wall St. protesters, Bloomberg says: Mayor Bloomberg announced this morning that the city is going to take a hard line with demonstrators making camp in Lower Manhattan after going easy on the throngs for weeks http://goo.gl/JH44j

 ‚I’d do it again,‘ says police commander filmed pepper spraying the faces of women at Occupy Wall Street protest: The police commander whose over-zealous use of pepper spray on Occupy Wall Street protesters was caught on video believes he used the correct amount of force and ‚would do things the same way‘ if given a second chance. http://goo.gl/SLBUk

Health Money Affairs News in English Pecunia non olet Political News in English Poor Social/psychological news

News: Indignant Protests, Unemployment, Poverty, Wall Street

Map of Wall Street and the surrounding streets...
Image via Wikipedia

Indignant‚ protests to sweep across world: – „Indignant“ activists, angered by a biting economic crisis they blame on politicians and bankers, vow to take to the streets worldwide on Saturday in a protest spanning 71 nations. http://www.france24.com/en/20111013-indignant-protests-sweep-across-world-0 ===

UK unemployment, poverty at all time high : It’s the latest blow to the British economy – unemployment is at a seventeen year high.There are now over two and a half million unemployed people in the country, an increase of a hundred and fourteen thousand in three months. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJgPR91duyo ===

Scotland’s Poor Face ‚World War Two Like Food Rationing‘ After Rising Prices, Says Oxfam Scotland: Pensioners and those on the lowest incomes are struggling to feed themselves in the face of rising food prices, Oxfam Scotland said. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2011/10/13/scotlands-poor-face-world_n_1008372.html ===

Hundreds „Occupy Dublin“ As Wall Street Tactic Spreads – The State has sold itself completely to the financial cartels,“ a 42 year-old unemployed construction worker tells me. „They are transferring more wealth out of Ireland than British landlords ever did, and these are Irish people doing it!“ http://bit.ly/qQ7qDG ===


Prtesters suspicious of plan to clean up NYC park: The owner of the private park where Wall Street protesters are camped out says it will begin enforcing park regulations, which prohibit everything from lying down on benches to storing personal property on the ground. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2016487402_apuswallstreetprotest.html ===

 I Am Not Moving – Short Film – Occupy Wall Street: This video is meant to be a warning to our leaders. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYPFLw9S280&feature=player_embedded === Home foreclosure proceedings on the rise again: California and other Western states see the largest increase in banks‘ beginning the foreclosure process on homes. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-foreclosures-20111013,0,6869773.story