
26 U.S. Code § 3121 – Definitions | LII / Legal Information Institute

26 U.S. Code § 3121 – Definitions | LII / Legal Information Institute.




Folterfall Bakary J.: Psychiatrischer Gutachter maß Köpfe in Gars


Folterfall Bakary J.: Psychiatrischer Gutachter maß Köpfe in Gars

Irene Brickner
18. November 2014, 18:22

Wegen Schädelmessplänen an Drogenkranken war Norbert Loimer in den 1990er-Jahren umstritten

Wien – Im 480.000-Euro-Entschädigungsverfahren für Bakary J., der 2006 von drei inzwischen entlassenen Polizisten in einer Lagerhalle schwer misshandelt wurde, sorgt das umstrittene Gutachten des Psychiaters Norbert Loimer für einen zusätzlichen Rechtsstreit: J.s Anwältin Susanna Kurtev aus der Kanzlei Nikolaus Rast hat einen Befangenheitsantrag gegen die im Wiener Landesgericht für Zivilrechtssachen zuständige Richterin Julia Kömürcü-Spielbüchler eingebracht. …


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Grisly ISIS video showing at least a dozen beheadings ends with claim that U.S. aid worker Peter Kassig is dead



Texans against the Nazis


Texans against the Nazis

Texans against the Nazis

Mario Ovalle reports from Rockwall, Texas, on an counter-protest mobilized to confront an anti-immigrant demonstration organized by neo-Nazis.

Texas anti-racists take a stand against the neo-NazisTexas anti-racists take a stand against the neo-Nazis

SOME 100 people mobilized to the town of Rockwall, Texas, northeast of Dallas, on November 8 to confront an anti-immigrant rally held by the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement (NSM).

The NSM has its roots in a 1967 split from the American Nazi Party (ANP) following the murder of ANP founder and former Navy commander George Lincoln Rockwell. In recent years, the NSM has grown following the decline of the National Alliance and the Aryan Nations after the death of the organizations‘ leaders in 2002 and 2004. The NSM is now the largest neo-Nazi organization in the U.S. according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, with its own presidential candidates and 61 chapters…

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Auschwitz ‘bookkeeper’ may be last Nazi tried in Germany for war crimes


The corruption of Britain: UK’s key institutions infiltrated by criminals





The Most Iconic Photos Of The 1940s: Hitler in Paris, 1940; The Last Jews in Vinnitsa 1941

The Most Iconic Photos Of The 1940s: Hitler in Paris, 1940

Taken at the height of World War Two and after Adolf Hitler had taken Paris, this picture depicts Hitler surveying his conquest with his various cronies and became one of the most iconic photos of the 1940s and World War 2.

The Last Jew in Vinnitsa, 1941

This powerful image of the death of the last Jew in Vinnitsa, Ukraine, was found in the album of an Einsatzgruppen soldier. The name of the image comes from the label at the back of the photo, and succinctly conveys what happened in Vinnitsa: all 28,000 of the Jews living there were killed.

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 1943

Shot in 1943, this is one of the best-known pictures of World War Two, as it depicts the terror inspired by the Nazis. The image above shows the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto, which was the forced home to thousands of Polish-Jewish citizens. Though the most poignant part of picture is the frightened little boy in the foreground with his hands up as he is forcibly removed from his hiding place.

Read more at http://all-that-is-interesting.com/the-ten-most-iconic-photos-of-the-1940s#imq4sYgwiHAE7W35.99


Danger zone: Chasing West Africa’s pirates

Danger zone: Chasing West Africa’s pirates

Vessels pictured off Lagos, Nigeria

Take a boat ride out from the Nigerian port of Lagos and it is easy to see why piracy, sea robbery and other forms of maritime crime are such a problem.

The ocean is swarming with cargo ships, oil tankers, barges and other vessels waiting for permission to enter the overcrowded port.

Great hulks of rusting metal, anchored and sitting low in the water, almost as if they are inviting pirates to sling their ladders over the side and clamber up on board.

„It was 14 August 2014,“ says Nigerian navigation officer Rotimi George.

„At around 2am I heard banging on my cabin door: Boom, boom, boom, boom. ‚Pirate attack, pirate attack‘. They seized the captain, who was Russian, and the Ukrainian chief officer.“ … read more: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-30024009#

Quote box: "We have to collect their money in order to survive" - Niger Delta pirate
Ships in Lagos, Nigeria