
American soldiers aren’t dying for our freedom in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. They’re dying for nothing

No mother wants to think that her child died in vain. But, as two more Americans die in Afghanistan this week, we need to face the truth.

Source: American soldiers aren’t dying for our freedom in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. They’re dying for nothing





Ecuador Imprisons US Journalist As Ambassador Tells Assange to ‘Shut up’ and Accept Spying



Our government is getting what they wanted from Ecuador, as a former senior State Department said in January, “as far as we’re concerned, he’s in jail.”

Source: Ecuador Imprisons US Journalist As Ambassador Tells Assange to ‘Shut up’ and Accept Spying


Ecuador Imprisons US Journalist As Ambassador Tells Assange to ‘Shut up’ and Accept Spying

By Cassandra Fairbanks
ICH Our government is getting what they wanted from Ecuador, as a former senior State Department said in January, „as far as we’re concerned, he’s in jail.“   – Continue

By Cassandra Fairbanks
ICH Our government is getting what they wanted from Ecuador, as a former senior State Department said in January, „as far as we’re concerned, he’s in jail.“   – Continue

By Cassandra Fairbanks
ICH Our government is getting what they wanted from Ecuador, as a former senior State Department said in January, „as far as we’re concerned, he’s in jail.“   – ContinueBy Cassandra Fairbanks

Our government is getting what they wanted from Ecuador, as a former senior State Department said in January, „as far as we’re concerned, he’s in jail.“ – Continue


Our government is getting what they wanted from Ecuador, as a former senior State Department said in January, “as far as we’re concerned, he’s in jail.”

Source: Ecuador Imprisons US Journalist As Ambassador Tells Assange to ‘Shut up’ and Accept Spying




RT Documentary

Am 14.03.2019 veröffentlicht

Abonnieren 679.343
Lonely deaths, or kodokoshi, are on the rise in Japan. Thousands of elderly people die in their homes without anyone knowing. Sometimes corpses remain undiscovered for weeks or even months, so companies devoted to cleaning up the homes of the dead are increasingly in demand.

RTD’s Artyom Somov went to Japan to ask elderly citizens if they’re afraid of solitude. He also meets a man working in the macabre kodokoshi industry to find out how he feels about cleaning up after the dead.

Ursprünglichen Post anzeigen


Scientists from Around the World Call for Immediate Halt to ‘Genetically Altered Children’

Scientists and ethicists from around the world are warning of the consequences of failing to implement a temporary global halt on gene editing of human eggs, embryos, and sperm. 

In a letter to the journal Nature, 18 scientists and ethicists from seven countries called for a global moratorium on the type of gene editing that can result in genetically altered babies. The letter was prompted by a 2018 announcement by a Chinese scientist declaring the birth of the world’s first gene-edited twin babies.

The 18 signatories of this call include scientists and ethicists who are citizens of 7 countries. Many of us have been involved in the gene-editing field by developing and applying the technology, organizing and speaking at international summits, serving on national advisory committees and studying the ethical issues raised.”

….. read more:

The right decisions on human germline modification can be reached only through frank and open discussion, followed by swift action. With so much at stake, that must happen now.”


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Featured image is from The Mind Unleashed



Source: Scientists from Around the World Call for Immediate Halt to ‘Genetically Altered Children’


Water Is Life – They Are Stealing Our Livelihood and We Aren’t Even Noticing

Source: Water Is Life – They Are Stealing Our Livelihood and We Aren’t Even Noticing


BR Ausbeutung in der Landwirtschaft: Der Preis für billiges Gemüse DOKU

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Am 21.03.2019 veröffentlicht

Von 220.127 abonniert

Diese Dokumentation zeigt die Arbeitsbedingungen der Erntehelfer in der Landwirtschaft: Zehntausende Flüchtlinge und Migranten aus Afrika werden in der Landwirtschaft brutal ausgebeutet. Sie ernten in Spanien und Italien Obst und Gemüse, das in Deutschland zu Billigpreisen verkauft wird. Nach Informationen des Bayerischen Rundfunks erhalten Betriebe, die gegen Lohn- und Arbeitsschutzvorschriften verstoßen, sogar millionenschwere EU-Subventionen.
Bayerischer Rundfunk: http://www.br.de
Mehr Infos auf der Sendungsseite: http;//www.br.de/dokthema
Alle Sendungen in der Mediathek: https://www.br.de/mediathek/sendung/d…





An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account: The Bestselling Tall Tales of Dr. Mengele’s Assistant Analyzed

An Auschwitz Doctor’s
Eyewitness Account:
The Bestselling Tall Tales of
Dr. Mengele’s Assistant Analyzed

Auschwitz Doctor

Analyzed by Carlo Mattogno, Dr. Miklós Nyiszli –Everyone knows Dr. Josef Mengele, the evil Auschwitz doctor who sent countless Jews to the gas chambers, performed cruel, pointless medical experiments on inmates and gave twin research a bad reputation. But how do we “know” about his many diabolical deeds?

The most important source for what Mengele is said to have done at Auschwitz comes from the Hungarian Jew Miklós Nyiszli, a forensic physician who claims to have been Dr. Mengele’s assistant at Auschwitz. In 1946, he published a book about his traumatic experiences while he was at Auschwitz. As influential as Nyiszli’s book has been in forming the world’s opinion about Auschwitz, Nyiszli’s various writings have never been subjected to thorough critical scrutiny . . . until now. Was Nyiszli a believable witness or a lunatic, plain and simple? Find out! Softcover, 484 pages, 51 illustrations, #813, $25

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