
After tough race, Romney beats Santorum in Michigan primary – TheHill.com

After tough race, Romney beats Santorum in Michigan primary – TheHill.com.


Asche von 9/11Opfern landete auf Muellkippe – Ashes from 9/11-Victims dropped unto garbage

Asche von 9/11-Opfern landete auf Müllkippe

Die Asche einiger Opfer der Anschläge vom 11. September 2001 sind auf einer Müllkippe gelandet. Dort waren schon eingeäscherte Leichen von US-Soldaten gefunden worden.

Eingeäscherte Leichenteile von Opfern der Terroranschläge vom 11. September 2001 sind auf einer Müllkippe entsorgt worden.

Foto: dpa/DPA Das Pentagon kurz nach den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September 2001

Es handele sich um nicht mehr zuzuordnende sterbliche Überreste von Menschen, die bei dem Anschlag auf das Pentagon in Washington ums Leben kamen oder mit dem entführten Flugzeug in Shanksville (Pennsylvania) abgestürzt waren, teilte das US-Verteidigungsministerium am Dienstag mit. Die Teile seien so klein oder so verbrannt gewesen, dass sie „nicht getestet oder identifiziert werden konnten“.


New WikiLeaks Stash: A Frightening View of Government Intelligence

New WikiLeaks Stash: A Frightening View of Government Intelligence.


‚Not for Pub‘: US drew up secret Assange charges – Stratfor leak: ­ ‚Revenge is a dish best served cold‘ – ­This is how Burton commented on Assange’s arrest by London police on behalf of Swedish authorities http://rt.com/news/us-assange-charges-indictment-stratfor-425/ 


Iranian Government: Release Youcef Nadarkhani , imprisoned for standing firm in faith


Die 15 Billionen Dollar-Verschwoerung & Video in English

http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article13885678/Die-unglaubliche-15-Billionen-Dollar-Verschwoerung.html (in German language)

http://youtu.be/eL5hqvTWkYg (in English language)


‚Anonymous‘ Targets Private Prison System in Latest Hack | Common Dreams

‚Anonymous‘ Targets Private Prison System in Latest Hack | Common Dreams.

‚Anonymous‘ Targets Private Prison System in Latest Hack

– Common Dreams staff

The international private prison corporation, GEO Group, Inc., was targeted today by the hacktivist group Anonymous.

Anonymous used the takeover of GEO’s website to post a statement saying its hack was part of the group’s „ongoing efforts to dismantle the prison industrial complex.“ (Reuters / Stefano Rellandini) Anonymous used the takeover of GEO’s website to post a statement saying its hack was part of the group’s „ongoing efforts to dismantle the prison industrial complex.“ 

The Associated Press reports:

Earlier Friday, Anonymous claimed credit for defacing the website of a Dayton, Ohio-based chapter of Infragard, a public-private partnership for critical infrastructure protection sponsored by the FBI. The group’s site was replaced by a video of Coolio’s 1995 rap hit, „Gangsta’s Paradise.“

The FBI declined to comment on that attack.

Anonymous, an amorphous collection of activists and Internet mischief-makers, has increasingly focused its energy on military, police and security companies in recent months. Among its most spectacular coups: The interception of a conference call between FBI and Scotland Yard cyber-investigators working to track them down.

At least one element within the group has promised weekly attacks on government-linked targets.

And RT adds:

Various Twitter accounts affiliated with the loose-knit group confirmed the hack at around 12:30 pm EST on Friday. A statement made by the group has replaced the traditional homepage of TheGEOGroupInc.com and other sites associated with the prison management firm have been “wiped off the net,” says the group. […]

Additionally, the group has added an image of prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal and the audio of a song about him and the prison system to the company’s homepage.

The attack, reads a statement from Anonymous, is retaliation for a corrupt system that immensely profits off of the detainment of Americans across the country. As the prison industrial complex booms, management companies such as GEO have been tied to controversies.


Secret documents reveal DHS lied about tracking Americans on social media | The Raw Story

Secret documents reveal DHS lied about tracking Americans on social media | The Raw Story.

Secret documents reveal Department of Homeland Security lied about tracking Americans on social media


One of the nation’s leading electronic privacy groups claimed this week that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) misled members of Congress during a recent hearing on whether the Department is paying a defense contractor $11.4 million to keep tabs on protected free speech and dissent against government policies on the Internet.

The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), which triggered the hearing by publishing a trove of secret government documents in January, told Raw Story on Thursday that a second round of documents they’ve obtained directly contradicts testimony given on Feb. 16, showing that the DHS instructed their analysts to do exactly what the Department denied.

“There were several exchanges that they had with members of Congress in which they sort of distanced themselves from the idea — that they weren’t engaging in this monitoring of public reaction to government proposals,” McCall told Raw Story. “But that’s… Well, it’s not true, according to the documents we obtained.”

Read the rest of the story here—–> http://rawstory.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=80b42ecc21f29763320aceb90&id=4ed9b0e84e&e=a8c222abf5



1933 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Norman Angel...
Image via Wikipedia

Updated: Alleged US Army Whistleblower, Bradley Manning, Arraigned | Common Dreams.

Updated: Alleged US Army Whistleblower, Bradley Manning, Arraigned

Manning defers plea after being formally charged with aiding the enemy

– Common Dreams staff

UPDATE: (2:12 PM EST) Manning defers plea after being formally charged with aiding the enemy

 The Guardian reports:

Bradley Manning, the US soldier accused of spilling a massive trove of military secrets to WikiLeaks, has been formally charged with aiding the enemy at the first day of his court martial on Thursday. …

Please read more there! Common Dreams

„If Manning had been a member of the U.S. Marine squad that admitted to systematically murdering two dozen innocent Iraqi men, women, and children in Haditha, Iraq, he’d be walking free today,“ Obuszewski said in a release. „Instead, he faces the real prospect of life in prison for telling the truth.“

Members of the Icelandic parliament nominated Manning this month for the Nobel Peace Prize.


Updated: Alleged US Army Whistleblower, Bradley Manning, Arraigned | Common Dreams

Updated: Alleged US Army Whistleblower, Bradley Manning, Arraigned | Common Dreams.


Huge increase in U.S. kids living in poverty: study | The Raw Story

Huge increase in U.S. kids living in poverty: study | The Raw Story.