
#EURefugeeCrisis Over 10,000 #Migrants rescued from sinking vessels in last 48-hours in the Mediterranean together with a number of traffickers involved in smuggling according Eunavfor Med and the bloc’s border agency Frontex, the Guardia Costiera said – @AceNewsServices — Ace News Services

#AceNewsReport – Aug.31: This follows up on news on Tuesday https://acenewsservices.wordpress.com/2016/08/30/eurefugeecrisis-as-at-least-6500-refugees-are-rescued-off-libyas-coastline-reuters-reports-on-tuesday-that-those-arriving-in-greece-from-turkey-reaches-the-highest-level-in-weeks-acenews Mediterranean rescues continue: Over 10,000 migrants saved from sinking vessels in 48 hours About 3,000 migrants were picked up Tuesday from the central Mediterranean, the Italian coastguard said, raising to around 10,000 the rescue tally over the past 48 hours. There were 30 interventions […]

via #EURefugeeCrisis Over 10,000 #Migrants rescued from sinking vessels in last 48-hours in the Mediterranean together with a number of traffickers involved in smuggling according Eunavfor Med and the bloc’s border agency Frontex, the Guardia Costiera said – @AceNewsServices — Ace News Services


Danger alert as Typhoon No. 10 lands in Tohoku — nuclear-news

Violent waves crash against the shore in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture, as Typhoon No. 10 approaches the Tohoku region on the morning of Aug. 30. Powerful Typhoon No. 10 struck the Tohoku region on the afternoon of Aug. 30 as expected. The Japan Meteorological Agency has issued a warning to residents of potential record rainfall. The […]

via Danger alert as Typhoon No. 10 lands in Tohoku — nuclear-news


Der Laizismus des säkularen Deutschlands entlarvt das endzeitliche christliche Röcheln Merkels — Christliche Leidkultur

Der Laizismus des säkularen Deutschlands entlarvt das endzeitliche christliche Röcheln Merkels Katholisches.info : Christliches Röcheln in Deutschland. Geschlossene Kirchen und Exodus der Gläubigen Es ist Blick auf eine Kirche, von der Joseph Kardinal Ratzinger bereits seinerzeit sagte, daß das Ordinariat des Erzbistums München-Freising mehr hauptamtliche Mitarbeiter für München und Teile Oberbayerns hat als die Römische […]

via Der Laizismus des säkularen Deutschlands entlarvt das endzeitliche christliche Röcheln Merkels — Christliche Leidkultur


New U.S. Policy: Kill the Kurds @alternet

An incoherent U.S. policy threatens the most effective fighting force against the Islamic State.

Source: New U.S. Policy: Kill the Kurds @alternet


Is Pope Francis Trying To Break The Internet? — The Ugly Truth

THE ATLANTIC – Pope Francis hosted a special guest at the Vatican on Monday: Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook. Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, spoke with Francis about “how to use communications technology to alleviate poverty, encourage a culture of encounter, and to communicate a message of hope, especially to the […]

via Is Pope Francis Trying To Break The Internet? — The Ugly Truth


Das größte Kriegsverbrechen des 21. Jahrhundert | Unsere Mitschuld am Morden in Syrien

Das größte Kriegsverbrechen des 21. JahrhundertUnsere Mitschuld
am Morden in Syrien  http://www.bild.de/politik/ausland/syrien/kommentar-syrien-47562856.bild.html



Have astronomers found an alien signal? —

A group of Russian astronomers have detected an interesting signal from a star system 94 light years away that has many people talking about aliens.

via Have astronomers found an alien signal? —


Syria Opinion UN’s $4bn aid effort in Syria is morally bankrupt It is perverse that agencies intent on helping the most vulnerable in the civil war can throw a lifeline to such a brutal Regime

UN’s $4bn aid effort in Syria is morally bankrupt

It is perverse that agencies intent on helping the most vulnerable in the civil war can throw a lifeline to such a brutal regime

The UN’s aid effort in Syria so far is estimated to have cost $4bn.
The UN’s aid effort in Syria so far is estimated to have cost $4bn. Photograph: -/AFP/Getty Images

Yet UN aid agencies, since stepping up operations in Syria in 2012, have handed lucrative procurement contracts to regime cronies who are known to have bankrolled the very repression and brutality that helped cause the crisis in the first place.

The revelation is as perverse as it is unsurprising, and points to the moral bankruptcy of the UN’s $4bn (£3bn) Syria aid effort to date. It is perverse that UN agencies, which are mandated to reach out to the most vulnerable in Syria’s vicious and protracted civil war, are throwing a lifeline to a regime that has no qualms about burning the entire country just to stay in power. :::


must read – SYRIA – UN pays tens of millions to Assad regime under Syria aid Programme – Exclusive: Guardian analysis shows series of contracts awarded to government and charities linked to president’s family

UN pays tens of millions to Assad regime under Syria aid programme

Exclusive: Guardian analysis shows series of contracts awarded to government and charities linked to president’s family

Bashar al-Assad
The UN says it must work with the Syrian regime, led by Bashar al-Assad, to reach vulnerable civilians. Photograph: Sana Handout/EPA

Schweine für den Müllcontainer – Warum es zu viel Fleisch gibt | 55 Millionen Schweine werden jährlich in Deutschland geschlachtet. Bis zu einem Drittel davon landen auf dem Müll.