

Strip clubs to reopen in California, while churches remain locked down — Dolly_World


On Monday’s show, Pat discussed a temporary injunction on behalf of two adult entertainment establishments that allow the clubs to operate despite statewide COVID-19 lock downs. Meanwhile, churches remain closed. https://www.theblaze.com/unleashed/ready-strip-clubs-allowed-to-reopen-in-california-while-churches-remain-locked-down

Strip clubs to reopen in California, while churches remain locked down — Dolly_World

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Lunek Milch Murdered — History of Sorts


Is the climate crisis pushing the world towards a ‘point of no return’? — Serbian Animals Voice (SAV)

Is the climate crisis pushing the world towards a ‘point of no return’? A new study claims we may have already reached a hypothetical ‘point of no return’, but other researchers say this is ‘at odds’ with what we know about climate science. Daisy Dunne examines the arguments Independent London: https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/climate-change/climate-change-crisis-tipping-point-world-warm-b1721822.html If global greenhouse […]

Is the climate crisis pushing the world towards a ‘point of no return’? — Serbian Animals Voice (SAV)

Long-hidden Nazi Concentration Camp uncovered

aka Family OVIZ very important This is from my Twitter-account!

if you are interested in to read more, please write me some lines!



INTERESTING all rights there Not one of the Romani people held here between 1941 and 1943 survived the Holocaust. Archaeologists Just Uncovered A Long-Hidden Nazi Concentration Camp In The Czech Republic2:05 PM · Nov 14, 2020·Twitter Web AppView Tweet activity2 Retweets1 Quote Tweet2 LikesDr. A. Grabowski M.A.@StopIllatosut·Replying to @StopIllatosut@brightsblogDr. A. Grabowski M.A.·Replying to @StopIllatosut@AuschwitzMuseum@wienerlibrary@Report_Antisem@JuedischeOnline@jewishmuseumVIE (University Wien has a Faculty Romani Science) @HolocaustMuseum@DirkJohannes ich erinnere an Fam.OVITZ, transsylvanische Juden; „Liliput Troupe“(A.M.Leroi: „Tanz der Gene) sie überlebtenMengele

Red heart

1Dr. A. Grabowski M.A.·Chapter „Auschwitz“ in „Mutants. On Genetic Variety and the Human Body“ A.M. Leroi- Ovitz Family, Transsylvanic Jews Father has been a Rabbi, survived Mengele´s torture chamber-he had „interest“ on them (Pseudoachondroplasie)Ovitz Family1949 to Israel. E.O. died 1992 in Haifa.


More than 130 Secret Service officers are isolating due to Covid-19 outbreak, report says —

More than 130 U.S. Secret Service officers have been ordered to isolate after testing positive for Covid-19 or being exposed to an infected co-worker, The Washington Post reported Friday. The outbreak is thought to be partially related to President Donald Trump’s campaign rallies, sources told the paper. Covid-19 infections have also recently afflicted prominent figures […]

More than 130 Secret Service officers are isolating due to Covid-19 outbreak, report says —

Rich nations hoard Pfizer’s COVID vaccine — eats shoots ’n leaves

Leader of the world’s richest nations mumble platitudes about helping the world’s poorest nations, but when push comes to shove, it’s strictly dog eat dog. Consider what happened after the announcement of a successful COVID vaccine. From The Economist, a graphic look at which countries are placing advance orders: More from their report: On November […]

Rich nations hoard Pfizer’s COVID vaccine — eats shoots ’n leaves

Vanishing without a trace | Undercover Asia



Most heavily guarded people

Allgemein Therapeutig research

What lies behind the recent revival of therapeutic research on psychedelic drugs?

What lies behind the recent revival of therapeutic research on psychedelic drugs?

Wayne Hall

Date Published:8 Oct 2020Contact person:NDARC.events@unsw.edu.auEvent date Thursday, 8 October 2020 – 3:00pm

What factors have contributed to the revival of research on therapeutic uses of psychedelics?

What factors have contributed to the revival of research on the therapeutic use of LSD, psilocybin and MDMA in the USA and other countries, over 25 years after their nonmedical use was banned? How is current research on their therapeutic use related to research done in the 1950s and 1960s?  What disorders are these drugs being used to treat? What has the research shown to date? What are the researchers’ and funders’ goals? What does the research suggest about how we should regulate the use of psychedelic drugs for medical and nonmedical use?

Speaker Bio:

Wayne Hall is a Professorial Fellow at the National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research at the University of Queensland and the Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences. He was: a Professor at the National Addiction Centre, Kings College London (2014-2019); Director of Centre for Youth Substance Abuse Research (2014-2016), NHMRC Australia Fellow, the University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research (2009-2014), Professor of Public Health Policy, School of Population Health (2005-2009), Director of the Office of Public Policy and Ethics, Institute for Molecular Bioscience (2001-2005) and Executive Director of the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (1994-2001). He has advised the World Health Organization on the health effects of cannabis use; the effectiveness of drug substitution treatment; the contribution of illicit drug use to the global burden of disease; and the ethical implications of genetic and neuroscience research on addiction.Location This event will be held online via webinar. You will receive the webinar link after you register. …
