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After working 34 years as a court clerk in Kansas City, Sharon Snyder was fired -for giving Robert Nelson a public document that showed him how to properly seek DNA tests….


Sharon Snyder, Court Clerk Fired For Helping Free Wrongly Convicted Man: ‚I Would Do It Again‘ (VIDEO)

The Huffington Post  |                                                  By Paige Lavender
Posted: 08/15/2013 12:18 am EDT  |  Updated: 08/15/2013  9:47 am EDT

After working 34 years as a court clerk in Kansas City, Sharon Snyder was fired in June for giving Robert Nelson a public document that showed him how to properly seek DNA tests, a move that eventually led to his release from prison three decades after being wrongfully convicted of rape.

Despite being punished for helping Nelson, Snyder told MSNBC’s „All In With Chris Hayes“ on Wednesday she would do it all over again.

„Oh yes, I would do it again,“ Snyder said in her first national television interview with Nelson. „I am so happy that he got exonerated on this charge, and felt that would happen or he wouldn’t have filed that motion to start…

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