
The American Alt-Right’s Hungarian Love Affair

While the illiberal policies of the Viktor Orbán government are causing division in Europe, the American Alt-Right movement is finding inspiration in what it sees as a model for the future.

Source: The American Alt-Right’s Hungarian Love Affair


This film trailer video from the USA says about itself: Psychotic Air Force general unleashes ingenious foolproof and irrevocable scheme sending bombers to attack Russia. U.S. President works with Soviet premier in a desperate effort to save the world. (Original Title – Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb) […]

This film trailer video from the USA says about itself: Psychotic Air Force general unleashes ingenious foolproof and irrevocable scheme sending bombers to attack Russia. U.S. President works with Soviet premier in a desperate effort to save the world. (Original Title – Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb) […]

via ‘Nuclear war would kill everyone’ — Dear Kitty. Some blog


Calls for United Airlines boycott after removal of passenger Al Jazeera English | Faktensucher


Calls for United Airlines boycott after removal of passenger


Is That Armageddon Over The Horizon?

Source: Is That Armageddon Over The Horizon?


1983 CIA Document Reveals Plan To Destroy Syria, Foreshadows Current Crisis

April 12, 2017 „Information Clearing House“ –  „Zero Hedge“ –  

Prophetically foreshadowing the current crisis (and apparent action plan), leaked CIA documents from the reign of Bashar al-Assad’s father in the 1980s show a Washington Deep State plan coalescing to „bring real muscle to bear against Syria,“ toppling its leader (in favor of one amenable to US demands) , severing ties with Russia (its primary arms dealer), and paving the way for an oil and gas pipeline of Washington’s choosing.

As ActivistPost.com’s Brandon Turbeville detailed (just a day before Trump unleashed his Tomahawks), as the Syrian crisis enters its sixth year, the Donald Trump administration is looking more and more like the Obama administration every day. With the Trump regime refusing to open useful dialogue with Russia regarding Syria, its obvious anti-Iran and pro-Israel positioning, and support for a very questionable “safe zone” plan for Syria, the odds of a rational U.S. policy in regards to Syria has lower and lower odds of existence as time progresses.

Yet, despite the fact that the Trump administration is apparently poised to continue the Obama regime’s proxy war of aggression against the people of Syria, an example of seamless transition, it should also be remembered that the plan to destroy Syria did not begin with Obama but with the Bush administration.

Even now, as the world awaits the continuation of the Syrian war through a Democratic and Republican administration, the genesis of that war goes back to the Republican Bush administration, demonstrating that there is indeed an overarching agenda and an overarching infrastructure of an oligarchical deep state intent on moving forward regardless of which party is seemingly in power.

As journalist Seymour Hersh wrote in his article, “The Redirection,”

To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has cooperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.

“Extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam” who are “hostile to America and sympathetic to al-Qaeda” are the definition of the so-called “rebels” turned loose on Syria in 2011. Likewise, the fact that both Iran and Hezbollah, who are natural enemies of al-Qaeda and such radical Sunni groups, are involved in the battle against ISIS and other related terrorist organizations in Syria proves the accuracy of the article on another level. …

Source: 1983 CIA Document Reveals Plan To Destroy Syria, Foreshadows Current Crisis


Globale Konzerne engagieren sich bei der armen Bevölkerung in Entwicklungsländern – und verdienen dabei gleichzeitig gut. Armut als Markt Lebensmittelkonzerne entdecken Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländer

© Joachim Walther/Süddeutsche TV


Globale Konzerne engagieren sich bei der armen Bevölkerung in Entwicklungsländern – und verdienen dabei gleichzeitig gut.

Armut als Markt
Lebensmittelkonzerne entdecken Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländer
Der große Hunger ist vorbei. In den Märkten Europas und Nordamerikas verzeichnen die großen Lebensmittel-Konzerne kaum noch Wachstum. Unternehmen wie Nestlé und Unilever vertreiben deswegen zunehmend Produkte in Afrika oder Brasilien.

Weltweit gibt es laut Schätzungen der Konzerne etwa drei Milliarden Konsumenten mit geringem Einkommen – ein riesiges Verkaufspotential. Allerdings lassen sich an ärmere Familien nur kleine Packungsgrößen gut verkaufen. Denn diese Menschen leben förmlich von der Hand in den Mund. Sie können täglich nur das ausgeben, was sie gerade verdient haben. Deshalb reicht der Verdienst nur für den Kauf von Kleinstpackungen. Dabei sind diese anteilig viel teurer als große.

Nestlé packt für die neuen Kunden Markenprodukte wie „Maggi“, „Alete“ oder „Nescafé“ in kleinere Portionen, reichert sie je nach Land und Bedarf mit Extra-Nährstoffen an und bringt sie zu vermeintlich geringerem Preis quasi bis vor die Haustür. „Nestlé kommt zu Dir“, heißt es in Brasilien. In den Favelas oder abgelegenen Stadtvierteln, wo Supermärkte zu Fuß schlecht zu erreichen sind, vertreiben freiberufliche Verkäuferinnen die Produkte. Und wer etwas auf sich hält, kauft so ein.



Ken Raggio Bible Study Lessons Sermons Resources Prophecy Teaching

Ken Raggio presents 1000s of Bible Studies, Bible Prophecy Lessons from Genesis to Revelation. Endtime last days prophecies incl Rapture, Armageddon

Source: Ken Raggio Bible Study Lessons Sermons Resources Prophecy Teaching


How to report Daesh’s terrorist propaganda


Source: How to report Daesh’s terrorist propaganda


Yazidi Victim of ISIS Genocide: ‘They Beheaded Children With Axes’

Yazidi Victim of ISIS Genocide: ‘They Beheaded Children With Axes’


Source: Yazidi Victim of ISIS Genocide: ‘They Beheaded Children With Axes’


Testimony on ISIS Genocide: Parents Shown Video of Daughters Raped, Tortured – Given Body Parts in Bags


Yazidi Victim of ISIS Genocide: ‘They Beheaded Children With Axes’



Source: Testimony on ISIS Genocide: Parents Shown Video of Daughters Raped, Tortured – Given Body Parts in Bags