
Wrongful Convictions Blog

You can’t make this up.  From news source:

In a new twist for a case full of them, lawyers of Kerry Max Cook, the Dallas man sentenced to death for a gruesome rape and murder before being exonerated two decades later, are accusing a prosecutor in his case of taking home the murder weapon as a dark, twisted souvenir.

This accusation, part of a motion filed in Smith County, is part of Cook’s ongoing effort to officially clear his name and record after 35 years of being branded by the state as a murderer. Cook, who now lives in Dallas, pleaded „no contest“ to a reduced murder charge in 1999 and reclaimed his freedom. As part of the plea agreement that freed him, he never admitted guilt. But legally, he is not recognized as innocent. His attorneys are now working to get a judge to rule on his innocence…

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Von curi56

Fighting for justice means fighting for justice
for all of us and not playing around with the
colour of skin.
Focus on justice. i am a scientist for educ./psychoanalysis/art - and frankly speaking a savant -
discovered that I can do more with blogs & social networks
for humans in shadow, children in shadow, animals in need et al -
I have some more blogs, please, visit them
p.e.: www.childreninprison.wordpress.com
et al.
I am glad to meet YOU here:
thank you

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