
The Unbelievable Brutality Unleashed on Kids in For-Profit Prisons | Civil Liberties | AlterNet


The Unbelievable Brutality Unleashed on Kids in For-Profit Prisons | Civil Liberties | AlterNet.

Privatization of the youth prison industry handed soaring profits to GEO, but a history of brutal injustice to its incarcerated youth and their families.

Michael McIntosh couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He had come to visit his son at the Walnut Grove Youth Correctional Facility near Jackson, Miss., only to be turned away. His son wasn’t there.

“I said, ‘Well, where is he?’ They said, ‘We don’t know.’”

Thus began a search for his son Mike that lasted more than six weeks. Desperate for answers, he repeatedly called the prison and the Mississippi Department of Corrections. “I was running out of options. Nobody would give me an answer, from the warden all the way to the commissioner.”

Finally, a nurse at the prison gave him a clue: Check the area hospitals.

After more frantic phone calls, he found Mike in a hospital in Greenwood, hours away. He was shocked at what he saw. His son could barely move, let alone sit up. He couldn’t see or talk or use his right arm. “He’s got this baseball-size knot on the back of his head,” McIntosh said. “He’s got cuts all over him, bruises. He has stab wounds. The teeth in the front are broken. He’s scared out of his mind. He doesn’t have a clue where he’s at – or why.”

Please, read the whole article: AlternNet


Von curi56

Fighting for justice means fighting for justice
for all of us and not playing around with the
colour of skin.
Focus on justice. i am a scientist for educ./psychoanalysis/art - and frankly speaking a savant -
discovered that I can do more with blogs & social networks
for humans in shadow, children in shadow, animals in need et al -
I have some more blogs, please, visit them
p.e.: www.childreninprison.wordpress.com
et al.
I am glad to meet YOU here:
thank you

4 Antworten auf „The Unbelievable Brutality Unleashed on Kids in For-Profit Prisons | Civil Liberties | AlterNet“

Thank you for posting about this. The privatization of prisons is leading to more abuse, corruption, and misuse of funds – in adult and youth prisons. This issue needs to get some publicity, and I’m glad you’re highlighting it. Great blog! I love that it’s multi-lingual; you must reach a huge audience. 🙂


Thank You so much for Your friendly words, Amy
My heart aches when I hear about human in prisons, esp. children & youth.
They need all but not brutality, isolation-cells ets. Children always
need love, warmth, hugs… and if they didn´t experienced these wonderful
things an isolation-cell or solitary-cell never could give these back
– nothing else, nothing better. To break little souls is a crime –
nothing more.


Thank You, Amy, for Your friendly comment!
Sometimes I am afraid for writing about these absolutely inhuman
behaviour we treat our weak children, but I c an n o t stop
writing about!


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