
PA Prison System Admitz Secret ‘Protocol’ Denies Hep-C Treatment to All but Prisonerz Near Death


PA Prison System Admitz Secret ‘Protocol’ Denies Hep-C Treatment to All but Prisonerz Near Death

By Dave Lindorff

Mumia attorney Bret Grote
(image by ThisCantBeHappening!) DMCA

Following three days of contentious testimony in a courtroom in Scranton, PA late last month, a federal district judge is considering a legal petition by Pennsylvania’s most well-known prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal for a finding that the state’s long-running refusal to treat his active case of Hepatitis-C, a potentially fatal disease, violates his Eighth Amendment right not to be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment.

Over the past 16 months Abu-Jamal has suffered an array of symptoms and ailments that witnesses at trial testified were symptomatic of and likely caused by an active case of Hep-C, an infection the state has known him to have in…

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Understanding India – Raxa Collective


Syrian refugees help British flood disaster victims


Syrian refugees help British flood disaster victims


Syrian refugees help British flood disaster victims

Syrian refugees given asylum in Greater Manchester pitch in with Rochdale flood defence effortsFrom daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Muslim volunteers helping during the flood crisis provide hope

Saturday 2nd December 2015

SOMETIMES in bleak and sad stories you have to really search hard for the little ray of hope.

It’s a pointless exercise for some but even a small difference can make all the difference in the world.

The mass flooding in northern England wrecked Christmas for thousands of families. Homes ruined, possessions wrecked, lives irrevocably changed.

People often regard climate change as a looming environmental catastrophe but it is the great crisis of our time right now. It’s the invisible terrorist that can strike whenever.

Its effects have been sharply felt in other parts of the world, but make no mistake about it, it was here too.

Floods have occurred recently before, and every time they happen…

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Ad Shows Army Prepping for Martial Law: “This Is Not Battle Training. This Is Riot Control”


„Ad Shows Army Prepping for Martial Law: “This Is Not Battle Training. This Is Riot Control”


Will martial law be declared on American soil?

Will economic collapse and urban riots result in the final and total loss of civil liberties right here at home?

It could happen, and it is one of the “eventualities” that the military is preparing for, though they are constitutionally barred from being used domestically against the American people.

Part of the U.S. Army’s latest ad campaign, broadcast frequently during football games and sporting events, and widely across many television programs, includes a 30-second spot that shows soldiers training with shields used for domestic riot control.

Watch the ad; the riot shield appear from about :10-:13 seconds in:

The overall surface message of the commercial is intended to show a force operating across the globe in many capacities, many of which reflect an empire that has…

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The spycops experiment: from blacklisting agents to social pariahs – and next?


Recently it was revealed how the late Tory prime minister Edward Heath had not only been aware of but encouraged the broadcasting of a TV documentary critical of the Shrewsbury pickets. These were men who merely wanted better working conditions, including a minimum wage but jailed for doing so. It was an age when the intelligence services and the Tory press worked hand-in-glove to smear unions at every opportunity and disseminate disinformation to weaken them forever. But a decade or so on, despite the demise of the private blacklisting agency, The Economic League, attention switched to protest groups (and it didn’t take long before this new ‚enemy within‘ was labelled ‚extremist‘). Undercover ops were consigned to a new breed of James Bond wannabees – complete with licence to infiltrate – who would go on to portray themselves as ‚eco-warriors‘ and ‚anarchists‘, adopting libertarian guises (one spycop cheekily…

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British Actors Idris Elba and David Oyelowo Honored by Queen Elizabeth